Friday, March 14, 2008

Getting Obsessed

So I guess I'm getting a little obsessed with home-brewing, I don't know why it just fascinates me. Some people would say that having 20 gallons of beer brewing in your household constitutes being a alcoholic but to me I would like to think of myself as an artist. I mean come on, I have no intentions of drinking that much beer. I just can't stop making it, I love the whole process from start to finish and I get giddy waiting for the day that it's finished to see what sort of wonderful or not so wonderful creation I have made. As stated in a previous post I made the jump to all grain a couple of months ago and with that came the "need" for more brewing gear. While I had thought that getting a mash tun would have been all I needed I quickly realized that "I had to have all manners of things" to be successfully. Since then I have aquired 4 more glass carboys, a 15 gal keg for boiling, 3 more corny kegs, a new wort killer, a kegerator, a grain mill, and a bunch of stuff that I'm not even sure what I can do with yet (God I love Craig's list). Anyway currently my brewing room is full of stuff to, in theory, make good beer. I should note that I tapped my first all grain Monday and it is excellent to say the least, I even felt comfortable enough to give it to my coworkers! About the coworkers they like beer and I'm hoping that I can give them lots of beer cause I have a lot and I want to make more, the only way I can justify and have space to brew is hinging on other people liking and taking my beer. Oh, and because I started giving beer to my coworkers I made my first label (see top picture). Anyway sorry I haven't been posting much lately as I said, I have been obsessed with beer making, just ask my wife.

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