Monday, January 21, 2008

Snooty WIne People

I decided to take a intro to wine making class at my local community college with a friend from work a while back. At the time I was really thinking that maybe this class could for one hone my skills in fermentation and two possibly get me into the wine industry that is sprawling here in Oregon. I like wine, namely red wine, but I am in no way a wine critic or would I even consider myself all that adventurous when it comes to wine. For me I would consider myself one of those people in wine that could be compared to that person that prefers industrial beers and thinks that craft brews taste too much like beer. Red wine I like it, I like to drink it, and it doesn't taste like anything but red wine to me. Enter the class that I started taking (and did not continue mind you) a couple of weeks ago. I had some preconceived perceptions of wine people, but I thought maybe I was overreacting, I wasn't and this class only supported my notion of what a wine snob should be. "Ah this wine has a hint of raspberry masked with the fragrance of 2 million year old pterodactyl dung, it's quite a good vintage!" What a load of crap, come on people stop over-analyzing everything just enjoy it! I felt lost in the class, I was very laid back being a beer guy, and everyone else was so serious, serious to the point of necrotic. Not my crowd so I withdrew from the class with a refund I might add ($200 for the class $200 for a kegging system, a coincidence I think not!). I still plan to make wine, I thought the "intro to wine making" class, as the name implied, would go over how to make wine, I was mistaking, but I think I can wing it. My mom thinks I'm wishy-washy but hey at least I tried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you arent wishy washy but a very bright person for thinking things thru.